XENOS PACKAGING SA - Specialist in high-quality paper bags, plastic bags, fabric bags & food packaging


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The psychology of colours in packaging

The psychology of colours in packaging

Colours in packaging ・ 11 juil. 2024 lire plus Open In New icon

When it comes to colours in packaging, the choice of color is one of the most important elements in attracting customers. Apart from the shape and size of the packaging, color is vital to the function or otherwise of the packaging. Colour, according to colour psychology, has the power to evoke thoughts and emotions. To attract or repel the consumer. No matter how good and qualitative the product is, the packaging can make it stand out more or “lower” its value. Considering the cultural variations that influence in some countries the meaning of certain colours, there are specific psychological effects towards people. For example, as soon as a consumer sees a red package, his mind will immediately go to a product full of passion and energy. If the packaging is dominated by green, they will expect a healthy, ecological product that inspires safety and confidence.

 Everything you need to know about packaging

Everything you need to know about packaging

Everything about packaging ・ 11 juil. 2024 lire plus Open In New icon

There are many factors that influence consumers to switch to a product. One of the most important is the packaging. Finding a smart product is certainly a big challenge, but even bigger is finding the right packaging to showcase and accompany it. So let’s take a detailed look at everything we need to know about packaging. What is packaging? Why is it useful? And of course, what is the question, how can how can our business benefit from it?

Environmental Tax on plastic & paper bags

Environmental Tax on plastic & paper bags

Environmental Tax ・ 11 juil. 2024 lire plus Open In New icon

We here at Xenos Packaging SA are sensitive and aware of environmental issues. Holding ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45000, ISO 14001 and FSSC 22000, we use the best materials by following all the legal production procedures that we have to, paying the supervised tax for the production of plastic bags. Our main concern is to raise awareness and inform our entrepreneurs/partners so that the plastic bag can complete its cycle. At the same time, we offer a huge range of environmentally friendly packaging, so that the consumer can choose the right yet eco-friendly packaging solution for their business.

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Industrial Area, Sindos

570 22 Thessaloniki - Grèce

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