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Information Security Management

Information Security Management

Dernière réalisation ・ 12 mai 2020 lire plus Open In New icon

Latest cyber threat news and increased number of cyber attacks around the world shows the importance of information security management in every organization. Business information that offers leverage over your competitors is one of most prized spoils of cyber wars. Protect your most valuable business assets with complete organization of information security and application of technical solutions by respectable world manufacturers of security equipment.

Collections Self Service amid COVID-19 outbreak

Collections Self Service amid COVID-19 outbreak

Dernière réalisation ・ 29 avr. 2020 lire plus Open In New icon

EXUS Collections Self Service (CSS) provides a secure 24x7 alternative channel for debt restructuring options regarding clients current financial situation. It is ideal communication channel between organization and debtors during COVID-19 outbreak.

The Challenges of Remote Business

The Challenges of Remote Business

Dernière réalisation ・ 28 avr. 2020 lire plus Open In New icon

The implementation of ePero® electronic signature solution enables optimal process for your clients and business partners, and results in completely secure contactless business. It is fully compliant with the law, and implementation and return on investment are extremely fast.

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