
Office Building Outline icon Prestataire de services

Are you searching for a distribution centre?

Are you searching for a distribution centre?

Distribution centre ・ 25 avr. 2021 lire plus Open In New icon

We are the perfect partner! As you already know the United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union since January 2021. That means, there are new regulations for the shipment from the United Kingdom to the European Union and back, consequently there is more effort for all of us. But it’s not just about the effort, it’s also about the costs. First of all your staff needs more time for organizing the consignments and the second point, which is even more expensive is customs clearance. Here is the solution: We operate as your distributor. As a logistics service provider, we take care of your incoming goods, storage, quality control, packaging, consignments in Germany and other countries in the EU, even your customs clearance if necessary. Here are your benefits: You don’t need to worry about customs clearance for shipments in EU countries. You save time and money. We guarantee a high quality execution of all logistics processes. We offer a convenient all-in-one package

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Gewerbepark 17

87477 Sulzberg - Allemagne

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