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Denim Treatments Class-apart denim treatments by AQUARIA®

Denim Treatments Class-apart denim treatments by AQUARIA®

Dernière réalisation ・ 6 déc. 2023 lire plus Open In New icon

Denim is the new black. With consumers increasingly looking to shop consciously and the always-increasing demand for denim, it is crucial to keep pace or, even better, to be ahead of times. The denim treatments made possible – as per quality and savings, we’ll go over it in a moment – thanks to the blue-jean Lady AQUARIA® by Biancalani have been presented during ITMA 2023 right in Milan, the textile machinery business heart of Italy. And they have been described as class-apart. They are Aquastone, Aquaflat and Aquafix. Biancalani has made many tests on AQUARIA®, always looking for something special, for something more than what already existed. As per denim, the aim was to create treatments by Biancalani similar or preparatory to the ones made on fabric during the laundry process – laundry processes are meant to work on the dark, raw denim fabric and scratch it, spray it treat it in dedicated machines to get to the finished jeans.

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