Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Module: LynXea_NIR

[900 nm to 1,700 nm]


The LynXea_NIR from AUREA Technology is a stand-alone [900-1700 nm] Time Correlated Single Photon Counting TCSPC module, which fully integrates the Time to Digital Converter with the best single photon counting technologies within the same box. AUREA Technolog y provides the LynXea a new generation of “all-in-one” and easy-to-use Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) modules. The LynXea series are ultra-low-noise and high Photon-Detection-Efficiency TCSPC modules with timing resolution in the picosecond range. The TCSPC module from AUREA Technology is proposed in two versions, the M1 version with 1-channel and the M2 version with 2 independent channels. This newly designed TCSPC module enables the growth of new applications, such as for example in fluorescence spectroscopy, in photo-luminescence and coincidence measurements for Quantum information technologies. LynXea_M2 TCSPC photon counter from AUREA Technology allows three diffferent possibilities of photon correlation, a

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25000 Besancon - France


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