

The GS3441 is a highspeed BiCMOS integrated circuit designed to equalize and restore signals received over 75ohm coaxial cable. The device is designed to support SMPTE ST 424, SMPTE ST 292 and SMPTE ST 259, and is optimized for performance at 270Mb/s, 1.485Gb/s and 2.97Gb/s. The GS3441 features DC restoration to compensate for the DC content of SMPTE pathological test patterns. The Carrier Detect output pin (CD) indicates whether a valid input signal has been detected. It can be connected directly to the SLEEP pin to enable automatic powerdown upon loss of carrier. A voltage programmable threshold, which can be changed via the SQ_ADJ pin, forces CD high when the input signal amplitude falls below the threshold. This allows the GS3441 to distinguish between lowamplitude SDI signals and noise at the input of the device. The equalizing and DC restore stages are disengaged when the BYPASS pin is HIGH. No equalization occurs in Bypass mode.

  • Mémoires additionnelles d'ordinateurs
  • Bypass Pin
  • Sq Adj Pin
  • Gs3441 Distinguish

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91090 Lisses - France


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